Thursday, December 17, 2009

What Once Was Creepy and Juvenile Is Suddenly Loved... Dolls

In all this blitzkrieg of inspiration that I have been getting from Lolita fashion and it's Lolita lifestylers I have been looking at dolls. Wow, and it's still surprising for me to say that and mean it!! I have never really been into "cute" but somehow into twenty six years of living I have embraced little girl pink aesthetics. There are a lot of really cute dolls.

First off are the cheaper ones- Pullip Dolls are pretty affordable and not entirely an insane interest at around $110. The only problem is that they look a little bit like those Bratz dolls with those humongous noggins. But look at how cute their special dolls are like the Princess Ann/ Roman Holiday one! The website is also horrible to navigate. I have tried a few times to find a doll that I like based on it's face and it turns out that the doll is a stupid cos-play anime thing (no offense, just not my thing).

A little more, or rather, a lot more expensive are the Rosette Dolls. These suckers are about $475-$575 a pop naked. Forget clothing, wigs, and everything else you can get for these pretty things. I imagine these things set you back $1,000 FAST. But look at how pretty they are. Armeria is my favorite. And! These dolls have artists who paint up there faces and make them fancy clothing and sell them as custom dolls.

Blog Songes de Poupees spotted this beautiful custom pair. They are done by CoCoon possibly, but I am not sure. This is what I really like about this beautiful doll scene. My mom made me little fairies when I was little that had handmade little leather skirts and doll hair and hand sculpted faces and extremities and they were just so magical. These dolls are like those fairies my mom made taken to a whole other level. So much detail with their uniquely painted faces and fancy outfits!

Now the creme de la creme! These dolls have been floating around a while on Stumble but I was just thinking about and revisiting them. For a few thousand dollars Enchanted Dolls by Russian artist Marina Bychkova are custom made. They are porcelain and Bychkova customizes them with tattoos and body mutilations. They have realistic looking genitalia and their ball and joints are as beautiful as their faces. Everything is regal and ethereal about these magical creatures of art.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

New Plaid Dress


I spent nearly a day and a half working on this dress and wore it to work yesterday and got three separate compliments!! One of my co-workers asked if I bought it at Anthropology. I'm feeling pretty good about my sewing skills! It was my first time doing interfacing. It was a little bit of a bitch.

I love BurdaStyle. If you like to sew and want some stylish free- to cheap patterns to print at home go there. It's the only site that I have found like it! They are very supportive of people who like sewing clothes at home that you'd actually want to wear. Forums, tips, pictures of finished outfits based on the patterns, etc! It's great! I made this dress this last week off a pattern I got on there. Coffee date dress something or other.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Lolita Inspired Petticoat

I have been looking at a lot of Lolita fashion websites and getting inspired. It's funny, there seems to a general opinion of Lolitas that you have to have the "right look" which has never worked for me in any style. I like the idea of mixing western Annie Oakley with Lolita. So I really wanted a petticoat but it needed to be shorter. This happens to be a huge no-no for Lolitas- skirts need to be close to the knee. So I did a little research and made my own. I didn't use a pattern and I decided to have the side stay open tied so that I can wear it higher tied at natural waist line of lower depending on the skirt I am wearing it with. I am really happy with the outcome! The most inspiring source for Lolita-ness is the bubblegum flick "Kamakaze Girls." I watched it on Youtube and I keep thinking about buying. It's pretty much a big ad for the Lolita clothing store "Baby The Stars Shine So Bright." The lead girl is super cute and makes you want to wear her doll like look.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

My Kinda Restaurant, I Think

Over Thanksgiving dinner two friends who just recently went to Milwaukee spoke about their short trip and the places they went. The main item of conversation and ravings was "The Safe House," a restaurant downtown themed to the extreme on spy movies. Rumor has it, you walk up to a imports/exports door which leads you to another door that you need a password to get through and you pick up a phone to get the password... and so on to get into the dining room just for beginners. In the lady's room in a naked picture of Burt Reynolds (that I imagine is the image he did for Cosmopolitan) that if you touch his crotch region rings an alarm throughout the restaurant letting everyone know what you were up to in there. All kinds of shenanigans are happening here from what I heard and I really want to go! Check out this travel blog for a little retelling of a personal experience like the one I heard and see a couple more pictures.