Monday, June 1, 2009

Wealth Is Weird

In high school there was this very particular class that was part of a three cycle kinda of required experience that also involved technology and health. This one part was life planning, career planning, or something like that. It horrifying. Our teacher taught about how life was about being able to afford and fast expensive car working a job that pays a lot of money. Well, what can you expect from an orange county school with three black kids and fifteen hispanic? It was well known that if you wanted a good grade in that class that you just had to be 1) female 2) show some boobs and it worked like clockwork. I didn't do well. My baby fat was fast burning off (must of been all that dancing in Echo Park!) and I hated the man. I purposely pissed the man off one day but now I can't remember how. I just remember being so pleased with myself because I was so timid. I do remember for sure that when I was asked what I wanted to be when I grew up I told him either a writer or a bell hop. He told  me to write every day in a journal and while I though pissedly that I'd just be a bellhop then take his advise I did in fact take it to heart and I have been a pretty regular writer.

Anyhow, we watched this video in this class that was the most amazing surrealistic stream of consciousness based on the "American dream." Or maybe I just wasn't paying attention and was making it out to be something it wasn't. I loved it and am still searching for it based on this piece of paper and the few clues it provides. Since it is hard to see in the scan I'd like to write out some of the highlights-

"People live the longest in Hawaii"
"My father flew out to New York to get me White Goddess- the refrigerator. He ran from the airport to the metro to get me as fast as possible. I asked him what he wanted- meat and bread. So I took him to the deli. It fascinated the old man. He asked me to name off each sandwich..." 
-Romani Man
"Are we not allowed to know our food? That's just distressing. " - Meryl Streep on food and pesticides
"Agriculture is the highest death rate job. Farmers are now chemical workers."

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